Smart School Bus
Smart School Bus Intelligent Operation Center (IOC) Staffs
The School IOC staff can monitor the overall situation. The staff can monitor the detail of each bus and see detail of each student in each bus. In case of emergency, the detail of the emergency will be displayed on the dashboard. The school staff can send message to parents easily from the dashboard. The school staff can manage school bus, students, parents, and school bus drivers from this portal.
Monitor and manage situation
The School IOC staff can monitor the situation and see emergency information in real-time.
IOC Management portal
The School IOC staff can use web browser to access IOC management portal. The portal show overall situation. The School IOC staff can manage users in the system easily.
Add School Buses
Add school buses into the system.
Add school bus drivers
Add school bus drivers into the system.
Add students and parents
Add new students and parents into the system.
Create and manage pickup and drop off trip in the morning and evening.
Create a pickup and drop off list for each school bus. Assigned GPS devices and drivers to the school buses.